Student Strengths

In order to recognize strengths, students should be approached holistically as individuals with diverse talents, passions, and capabilities. Cultivating this encompassing profile requires investing time in getting to know the student beyond the walls of the classroom.

Concentrating on the positive qualities not only helps the adult tune into what the student can do instead of can’t do but also bolsters the students’ own sense of competency and resilience. Using this approach pulls in the strengths of the student’s family, friends, and community. This approach can lay a better foundation for continued success by providing assurances to … students that they have what it takes to be successful. (Rossen & Hull, 2013, p. 45)

Horsman (2000) writes:

If trauma is holistic in its impact, then it is crucial to address the impact through an equally holistic approach. Considering each aspect of the person, becoming aware of the impact of trauma on all aspects of the person, and recognizing gains and shifts of sensitivity can create a holistic approach to … learning for survivors of trauma. (p. 178)